Thursday, September 29, 2005

The Gringo Showdown

In foreign lands why is there an unspoken rule that you don´t talk to other gringos when you see them out and about.

Like magnets of the same polarity, repelled and avoided, we pretend to not notice each other, afraid our experience of the unknown will take on the quality of an attraction. I, among others, do take pride in visiting locations where you are the only other, but it is a bit strange to just look away from those who look like you.

I am not advocating a change of sorts, just wanting to acknowledge this and in turn let it out of my head.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Un Partido de Futbol

El Domingo Katie y yo fuímos al partido de futból. Nosotros tomemos el Trolle y miramos mucha gente llevando camisetas amarillas. Entonces nosotros seguimos ellos al Estadio Aucas. Nosotros Fuímos al Estadio y encontramos dos asientos. Los nombres de los dos equipos fueron, Aucas y Barcelona. El equipo Barcelona es de la costa en Guyaquil, y Aucas es de Quito. El partido estuvo bien y Aucas ganó. Entonces, nosotros miramos una pelicula, La Cuidad de Pecado, La pelicula estuvo bien. Peroximo nosotros fuímos a la casa de Susana y comimos cena.

gracias por la ayuda Anita.

Monday, September 19, 2005

So many moving photos in one place. What a service to our world. Would the world change a bit if more than the current 2 million saw these images. Please, if the exhibit comes close to th place you now live, go see it. Heartbreaking, really. So many stories that we could never hear of even if we had a press that served our true needs.

my lovely people

Originally uploaded by mrjameskubik.
these are those wonderful folks who stood as witnesses during the ceremony. And, in fact, have been there for me long before.

muchas gracias mi compadres

Saturday, September 17, 2005

A mi me gusta mentestra, pero.......

Originally uploaded by Cameron/Duff.
i think this is a popular chain of fastish food in Quito. for me it reminds me of the horendous lawn jockeys that inhabited some unfornunate yards in East Texas during my younger years. But perhaps they still live in that part of the world where it has been said, the civil rights movement bypassed.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Hacienda Cusin

We are out and about in Ecuador, moving through this incredible country, spending much time with old and new friends. John and Andreas wedding camp is great so far. We spent one night in Quito and then boarded a bus and drove over high mountain passes to a hot springs, and then to Hacianda Cusin which is one of the nicest places I have ever stayed. Great food, wine and talking, until late. I feel somewhat spoiled staying here. Someone comes to our room every evening while we are at dinner and lights our a fire in our room. And the food, many of the vegetables come from the property, and we are served fruit I have never seen before. Now we are in Otavalo, five minute taxi from Cusin, where the famous Saturday market is getting set up. More blankets sweaters, panama hats, and trinkets than I have ever seen. And the food, fish fried in a huge pan with garlic, rice in a pallea looking dish, and many types of corn.

It is nice to be eased into living here with the help of being surrounded by so many friends. But soon they will leave and we will be here left to our own devices to find new friends. Ah joyous life.
thank you for visiting