Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Witches and very small rocks

So friends you know in "The Holy Grail" how during the "trial" of the "witch", they try and weigh her and also see if she floats. Well we went to an Torture Museum in Cartegena and in fact those are real things they used to do to see if a person was a witch or just strange. Inside the museum they had a scale for witches, and if the person was lighter tan they expected then it meant they could fly and in that vein of logic then they were with out a doubt a witch. Humor and truth, a sad mix.

Sunday, January 15, 2006


Pictures and videos to follow, but until I get to uploading them, I just want to say, Thank you Colombia, you treated us right. From fresh food and juices, to white sand beaches, warm and open people, who although they spoke twice as fast as Ecuadorian, still conveyed, "You are welcome here, thanks for coming we hope you like our country, please tell more Americans to come to our Little Country.

And thanks to our fabulous traveling companions Jen and Tavis. They are great they should rent themselves out to fellow South American Travelers.

Ah Colombia, yo te quiero.
thank you for visiting